Linangkit Cultural Village is located in Kampung Selupoh, Tuaran, Sabah. This is a place for the Lotud people which is one of 32 diverse ethnic groups in Sabah that also have their own traditions and cultures that was brought from the late great grandmother of Lotud. To reach Linangkit Cultural Village, it takes about one hour from the capital city of Kota Kinabalu. There are many activities provided at Linangkit Cultural Village that you can enjoy. There, the Linangkit Cultural Village provides guided tour around the village, traditional costume try-on, handicrafts making demonstrations, traditional food preparation demonstrations, traditional fish netting, tapioca plucking, cultural show, and also river cruise and firefly watching.

In the village also, you will be able to observe clearly the building structure of the houses in the village and thereon, you will know the traditional building skills of the Lotud people. Since the Lotud have traditional skills, therefore they are also able to make their traditional attires and here you will be able to witness and learn on how they make their arts and crafts and you are able to try them on and if you like it, you can purchase it directly and bring back to your home as souvenirs. Through the arts and crafts, you will know how creative the Lotud people are as well as other ethnic groups in Sabah. Besides experiencing their handicrafts making, you will also have the opportunity to learn on cooking the traditional food of the Lotud people.
The Lotud people also lives in Longhouse. However, the difference between the Lotud Longhouse and other longhouses such as the Rungus Longhouse is the Lotud Longhouse only hosts one family. This means that each family lives in a longhouse. The Linangikit Cultural Village is in fact known as "treasure house" as there are many unique items of Lotud people.

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