Wednesday, 4 April 2012


The thinning air makes it harder to breathe. Finally, the various accomodations for overnight stop reached, at Waras Hut, Laban Rata, Panar Laban or Gunting Lagadan Hut. The most confortable is Laban Rata which equipped with running water, electricity, a restaurant, indoor showers and toilet.

Panar Laban "The Place of Scarifice" was where Sir Hugh Low and his local guides performed a ritual scrifice to appease the ancestral souls of for their 'disturbance' to the spirit world and to seek safe passage. This same sacrifice is still performed each year and when there is a major expedition or event on the mountain.

The Mesilau Route to the Summit Starts from Mesilau Resort and leads to Layang-Layang (Carson's Camp). It was open in Octobor 1998 initially used mainly by scientists and researchers as it takes longer to reach Layang-Layang (5-6hours) compared to Timpohon Gate (2-3hours). Visitors who wish to take this Route mus register and pay a small fee at Mesilau Gate.

The trail is a good one for people who are more interested in plants and wildlife than in the actual climb to the summit of Mt. Kinabalu. Conifers, Climbing Bamboos, Superb Agathis trees grow in the area. Near the ridge crest at about 2000m the forest become stunted, with rocks, tangled tree roots, covered in spongy mosses and liverworts. There are many delicate orchids and beautiful orange-coloured Rhododendrons.

Some little streams are crossed before reaching the Kipuyut Bridge acress the swift-flowing West Mesilau River that cascades from the precious slopes. Near the 3km mark, a tributary of the river is again crossed. From here the trail follows the ridge, rising steeply and continuously, up and up and up in an almost never-ending series of steps for about 2km. From here another 500m of trail contouring around the massif bring you out to the Summit Trail, a little way above Layang-Layang. The wholeMesilau Route to Layang-Layang is 5.7km.

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